Thursday, June 4, 2009

Surgery Update: Justin is in the Prep Room/Mark is waiting for blood work results

We are asking that everyone lift Justin and his family up in prayer as we just learned he is in the prep room. I am praying that God will give them peace and that He will wrap his loving arms around each of them. Although I can empathize with Justin, I cannot imagine how Rhonda and Jack must feel knowing that their son is getting ready for surgery. We've spoken to Justin and Rhonda on the phone a few times this morning. They never fail to amaze us and Justin seems to remain calm and eager for the surgery despite the stress of the situation.

We have spoken to several of Mark's doctors this morning (Nephrology, Hematology, General Surgeon, Anesthesiology, Transplant Surgeon). We spoke with Dr. Gedaly-the Transplant Surgeon-around 8:00 this morning. Dr. Gedaly did not perform the transplant in March. However, we know Dr. Gedaly as he was the Surgeon we met when we initially visited the Transplant Clinic. We feel really comfortable with Dr. Gedaly. He explained his plans for the surgery and basically said that he wanted to err on the side of caution throughout the entire surgery. Thus, he ordered a consult with Hematology. The Hematologist who came this morning was the same doctor who saw me for my follow up appointment a few weeks ago. So, he was familiar with our case. He said that the Transplant Team had done a pretty complete work up on Mark's blood work after the transplant in March. All of the results of the testing indicated that Mark does not have a blood clotting disorder. He did order 2 additional tests to add to the information. The team came and took a blood sample from Mark about 20 minutes ago. We are presently waiting for the results of this test. If all results are favorable, the surgery should be completed around 1:30.

I will try my best to update as much as possible. Thanks so much for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Mark!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are praying now! and have been all along!
Waiting to know outcome..always knowing that God is there!
Jane & Tom Cawood