Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mark Thomas' Reminder

My parents came up for dinner last night. Before we ate, Mark Thomas asked my mom to pray. After she said her prayer, Mark Thomas looked up and said, "Mimi, you forgot to pray for Daddy's kidneys!" Although kidney disease has been difficult for Mark to say the least, I am thankful that through this trial, Mark Thomas is learning the importance of prayer and faith. Although he doesn't realize the seriousness of his Dad's situation, he does seem to understand the importance of turning our problems over to our Heavenly Father. I am thankful for the reminder that good things can happen in the midst of not-so-good situations.


Devin said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you get some answers soon!!!

Alex Perciful said...

Hi, I am a type O- 2 year old male, very healthy in tampa fl, wondering if you are still in the need of kidney help. I cam across your blog and felt I needed to ask, please email m eback at a.s.perciful@gmail.com if so. Take care your family is in my prayers.

Alex Perciful said...

22 year old.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating us about Mark..I have been so busy...didn't go into this page & read.
We are still much in prayer for Mark and family!
It was so great to read about MArk Thomas' comment..show me that he is much aware of God working in your lives..so great to hear a child's simple faith ..but that is what Jesus said for us to come to him in chidlike faith!
Love you all!

Jane & Tom Cawood